
Nettie & Friends supports Maxfield Learning Center and Maxfield School, St. Paul, MN.

Nettie & Friends works with Maxfield School in St. Paul, MN to enrich learning experiences for students by meeting specific needs that expand the learning landscape or remove roadblocks to student success.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Nettie & Friends 14th Annual Sale of the Season

You can shop every day during the Egg & I Restaurant hours (breakfast through lunch) or join us for a special evening on December 2, 2017 from 4:00 - 6:30 for a Pop UP sale at the Egg & I.  Hope to see you there.  All proceeds support students at Maxfield Elementary School in St. Paul.

Come and do your holiday shopping, and feel really good about it.  Handcrafted items for sale for the holidays and every dime goes to support students at Maxfield school in St. Paul.  This annual fundraiser provides basics for students such as uniforms, underwear, socks, warm winter wear AND enrichment activities such in-class learning tools or field trips.