
Nettie & Friends supports Maxfield Learning Center and Maxfield School, St. Paul, MN.

Nettie & Friends works with Maxfield School in St. Paul, MN to enrich learning experiences for students by meeting specific needs that expand the learning landscape or remove roadblocks to student success.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Celebrating Teamwork

In the Learning Center, we work with our students on being "bucket fillers" based on concepts in the book  Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids written by Carol McCloud,  illustrated by David Messing. 

We celebrated by going taking the city bus and going bowling in the Midway Center together.  What fun we had cheering each other on, encouraging our friends, laughing together, watching the bowling balls roll s-l-o-w-l-y down the lane crashing the pins around.  It was a wonderful day for all of us.

Picking up a spare

Working on my form.

Watching our friends and celebrating together.

I think it's a spare!

Thank you for working with us to provide these enrichment experiences and celebrations with our students.

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