
Nettie & Friends supports Maxfield Learning Center and Maxfield School, St. Paul, MN.

Nettie & Friends works with Maxfield School in St. Paul, MN to enrich learning experiences for students by meeting specific needs that expand the learning landscape or remove roadblocks to student success.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I've Been Holding Out On You...

Yep, some items have arrived and I've been holding out on you.
Just got them photographed and added to the collection...
Thought maybe I should share them with you now.

Marsha's Birthday Boxes

These handbuilt boxes covered with festive papers and spunky ribbons come complete with candles, matches, a birthday poem.  
Everything but the cake.  
Never search those kitchen drawers for the candles again.

Rachel's "Love Remembers" Mosaic Tiles

Rachel's mosaics were such a hit last year that there 
were none left for the reception.... 
So, this year, we will unveil them AT the reception.

Remember you can shop online until Friday.  
Just check the tab above for items that are available.

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